
Author: forwardproxy (page 1 of 2)

“SSL Handshake failed for TCP” in LTM log on F5

Any F5 BIG-IP connected to the internet will be generating this log message a ton in /var/log/ltm:

01260013:4: SSL Handshake failed for TCP x.x.x.x:x -> y.y.y.y:443

This is simply an informational message indicating the peer closed the connection before completing the handshake. As this provides little to no information, you can often safely filter this from the LTM log by creating a log filter.

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How to run your own incredibly cheap, modded Minecraft server

There’s a gazillion game server providers out there that’ll help you host your own Minecraft server where you will have a pretty control panel (typically Multicraft or McMyAdmin) that you’ll barely use. This all comes at a steep premium with prices varying wildly. In this day of extremely cheap VPS hosted in the cloud, you might want to try running your own.

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SSL Handshake Failure on IIS behind Reverse Proxy

If you’re trying to put an application served on IIS (Sharepoint, ADFS Proxy) behind a Reverse Proxy you’ll often encounter issues with SSL Bridging. While the clientside connection works fine, the serverside connection gets a TCP RST from the back-end after SSL ClientHello.

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Installing Chrome extensions without going through the Chrome Web Store

Recent version of Google Chrome do not allow you to install an extension by loading an extension file directly anymore. Instead, you’ll have to use the Chrome Web Store. If you find yourself in an environment where you’re not able to connect to the Web Store you won’t be able to install any extensions. Luckily there is a workaround as long as long as you have the correct privileges.

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URL Decoder/Encoder tool

I’ve put up a second tool: URL Decoder/Encoder. This allows you to convert URL encoded characters (for example a space becomes %20) back and forth. 

Using NFQUEUE to build your own firewall

Before we dive in, let me preface by stating that there are obviously pre-built firewalls (both free and commercial) which will be much more performant and secure. However, this should not stop you from building your own firewall: it’s both fun and educational! I’ll be using a Raspberry Pi to build the firewall, but you can use any Linux based OS.

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How to add CPU temperature to your Raspberry Pi’s prompt

If you’re curious what temperature your Raspberry Pi is at, but don’t feel like running a constant temperature monitor, you can modify your prompt to display this dynamically. This is a very small modification to your .bashrc file, which should only take a minute.

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Practical bash shortcuts

Being handy on a terminal can be an enormous productivity boost and will make you feel like a proper hacker (as long as you’re typing in green on a black background). 

Bash is by far the most popular shell available on Linux based systems,  packed with extensive customization options for any environment. In this post, I’ll line up some of the shortcuts that’ll make your life quite a bit easier.

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Using PuTTY to setup a quick SOCKS proxy

Using a SOCKS proxy allows you to encrypt all your web traffic between your machine and the proxy server, making it impossible for any local devices to inspect your traffic. Besides the obvious use-cases, this can often mean a significant impact on your browsing speed as it allows your traffic to exit from a different geographical location. 

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How to fix locale problems on Debian and Ubuntu

If you aren’t using the default locale on your Debian based system, you’ll often run into errors when running things on the command line such as apt-get or Perl. Fixing this is luckily rather trivial.

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